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How to Spot the Difference Between An Original &Chanel Replica Bags?


To spot the difference between the replica and original bag you first need to spot the LOGO stamping. The Chanel logo is directly inspired by the brand. I believed that people who are concerned about these Chanel bags know that Chanel is very much famous and is difficult to buy whether it’s a firsthand bag or a second-hand bag.

You will find difficulty in getting the classic model. When you are going to buy the Chanel bags then you need to pay attention to the 5 basic identification skills.

First of all check for the leather observation material, and then go for embossed three-dimensional sense. Chanel bags are available in many styles such as Leboy, CF, etc, they are very soft and the delicate surfaces gloss naturally soft.

But there is a huge difference between the original and fake bags. The leather of the fake bags is very hard; the leather which is used may not be the best good leather. The leather which is used might feel very rough; dull in color, or too bright.

The genuine bag diamond pattern is very much regular while the Chanel Replica bags are basically pressed out of the lattice and is either too much drum or too much flat.

The logo imitation of the bag logo square buckle and double C logo rough workmanship, and double Chanel logo color is yellow, while authentic logo color is very much different. Chanel’s car line is the Italian computer car line process, without any thread solution.

Identification Card- spot a fake Chanel bag

Chanel bag has an identification card that is attached to each of the Chanel bags. The bag contains the date of sale, serial number, counter stamped by the composition. The authentic cards have a gold border and will not appear with seven color reflection.

Recent bags have identification cards that have a paragraph with the word “will not reflect the fluorescent effect of the reflection.

Logo- to spot fake Chanel bag

Logo plays a vital role in the identification of the real from the fake one or replica. Several factors are present out there which can be used to know the identification part. The logo comprises of letter C which opens to an angle of 30 degrees, and the font of C is a positive circle and false oval.

The letter H in the middle of the horizontal bar is on the upper side, while most of the counterfeit products are centered. The letter E is shortest in the middle and longest below.

Leather-to-spot fake Chanel bag

The genuine Chanel diamond pattern leather is full and round, while many counterfeit products have very much collapsed situation, but still by the experience to identify. The same situation is also with the Hermes Replica bags.

Laser sticker

Each of the genuine Chanel bags is hidden in the bottom of the bag with the identity of the laser sticker, and the serial number of the sticker should match the identification card. The authentic laser sticker has gold powder, and the brand logo is also of gold.

The laser sticker is printed with 8 digits serial number and is covered by a transparent tape with the 2 Chanel logos.



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